Filthy Would You Rather Game
It’s here, the game you’ve all been waiting for, it’s the filthy would you rather card game for adults. Would you rather watch your Mum & Dad do the deed or would you rather never climax ever again? Every card has a filth rating, take it in turns answering & the points at the end dictate your winner/loser or filthiest person!
The rude would you rather game gets you in a dilemma. A quandary of questions in this deck of adult would you rather card game is shocking and naughty but it will create an amazing party full of laughter. The decisions you’ll have to make in this hilarious yet funny party card game will have you and your friends laughing all night long. This card game is only for adults as it continues the shock factor.
This game is perfect for a hen do or birthday party and can be played with 1-8 players.
You can play the filthy sentiments would you rather game in two ways. The original way by drawing two cards and deciding which you’d prefer. Or you can play a competitive game instead, based on filthy points!